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What our customer said about our excavator bucket- SUP Construction Equipment Co.,Ltd

SUP Construction Equipment Co.,Ltd - long reach boom,super long front,long reach front,long stick,high reach demolition,telescopic arm, excavator buckets,grapple,etc.

Hi Sunny,

I wanted to send you an email letting you know that the buckets you built for me are standing up very well.
Long reach boom,super long front,long reach front,long boom stick,high reach demolition,telescopic arm, excavator buckets. 
The rock bucket,heavy duty bucket,screen bucket/sieve bucket in particular have really stood out as an excellent tool.  I believe we have processed about 7,300 m3 of material with them and they're standing up very well.  The very large capacity clean out buckets for the Hitachi ZX330 excavators have also performed quite well and actually match up properly to the thumbs on all three of the excavators.  
Long reach boom,super long front,long reach front,long boom stick,high reach demolition,telescopic arm, excavator buckets - SUP Construction Equipment Co.Ltd. 
These buckets are perfect.
We have a very good relationship and I consider you as fine a manufacturer as I have ever done business.

Best Regards,


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